Advance Your Career With A Degree In

Recreation Management

Is it time to take it to the next level by earning your degree in Recreation Management? Bring your previous college credits to complete a degree or start fresh with Utah Tech Online and fit your education around your life.

We have two options to earn a bachelor’s degree in Recreation Management through our Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences program:

  • Bachelor of Science in Integrated Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in Individualized Studies

Integrated Studies, BIS

The 100% online and asynchronous interdisciplinary degree combines two separate areas of study into a single degree. Emphases currently available in the online format include:

  • Recreation Management
  • Communication Studies
  • Public Health
  • Family Studies and Human Development
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Long Term Care Administration
  • Management

Choose the online emphasis you are most interested in combining with your Recreation Management emphasis and tailor your degree.

This degree consists of 120 total credit hours, with the option to transfer in credit for other accredited institutes of higher education. The minimum completion time for this degree, bringing in some credit, is 3 semesters.

LEARN MORE about integrated studies

Individualized Studies, BS

This degree allows students to design their own degree, pulling together coursework from multiple disciplines. The Individualized Studies degree is 100% online and asynchronous, and is a great option for adult or returning students who have some previous credit and are looking to complete their Recreation Management degree quickly.

This degree consists of 120 total credit hours, with the option to transfer in credit for other accredited institutes of higher education. The minimum completion time for this degree, bringing in some credit, is 2 semesters.

LEARN MORE about individualized studies

Ready to Learn More?

Interested in learning more about completing a Recreation Management degree online? Contact Jennifer Demke (, 435-879-4290), the advisor in the Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences program to discuss your questions and situation. After-hours appointments are available on request.

What Will It Cost?

Earning a degree isn’t just about cost—it is also about value. Great news is that Utah Tech offers a superb education at a superb price point! Our undergraduate programs are only $255 per credit hour, with general fees waived and no tuition residency requirement—that means you can live in Nevada and still enjoy the lowest tuition in Utah! Learn more about tuition costs and financial aid by visiting our Cost & Aid page.

Cost & Aid

Ready to Go For It?

If you’re ready to get on with your degree, then start the process by applying at Utah Tech University.

Apply Now

Utah Tech University Recreation & Sport Management

Curious about the Utah Tech University Recreation and Sport Management program? Learn more by visiting the RSM page on the Utah Tech site.



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Jennifer Demke

Academic Advisor for College of Education


Phone: 435-879-4290

Office: COE 111