Utah Tech Online

Cost & Aid

A winning combination: quality education and affordability.

UT has the lowest tuition of 4-year universities in Utah. That means you can get a high-quality education without breaking the bank, and launch into your new career without the burden of massive debt.

The following chart is based on undergraduate tuition & fees for a 6-credit semester as a Utah resident in fall of 2023. Put your mouse over the bar to see costs for non-residents and further information.

Undergraduate 6-credit semester, based on Utah residency

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Online Courses

Individual online courses are charged the same tuition as on-campus courses. If you are taking one or more classes that are not packaged as an online program, this will be your cost.

Tuition/Fees: same as campus (see the tuition schedule here)

Delivery Fee: $30/credit


*Individual course fees may apply.

Online Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate degrees, degree completion programs, and online certificates that are packaged as online undergraduate programs are commonly charged a flat fee per credit.

Tuition: $255 per undergraduate credit hour with general fees waived. Available regardless of residency.

Online Master Programs

Utah Tech Online is pleased to offer two masters programs available completely online. Each program at the graduate level sets their own tuition, based on costs and needs, which is why master-level degrees have different tuition than undergrad programs.

Master of Science in Nursing
Education and Leadership (MSN)

Tuition: $375 per credit hour, regardless of residency.

Master of Science in
Sports Management

Tuition: $400 per credit hour, regardless of residency.

Financial Aid

A number of financial aid options are available – scholarships, grants, and loans.

NOTE: All financial aid options may not be available for all programs.

You may be eligible for federal money to offset the cost of school! Please fill out the FAFSA to identify your eligibility to receive financial aid. Federal financial aid is often available, especially for students living on their own or bearing larger financial burdens, and every little bit helps.

Financial Aid

The UT Financial Aid & Scholarships Office is committed to providing information and assistance to help all qualifying students secure the financial resources that will allow them to reach their higher educational goals.

Learn More


The UT Financial Aid Office has put together an extensive list of scholarship opportunities for students, many of which are offered by Utah Tech. Visit our scholarship page and find out if you qualify.

Check Eligibility