//scripts for COSTS PAGE
//scripts for charts
var tuitionCanvas = document.getElementById('tuitionComparision').getContext('2d');
Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontColor = '#474747';
Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily = 'Arial, sans-serif';
Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize = '16';
Chart.defaults.global.layout = {"padding": {left: 0, right: 0,top: 0,bottom: 0 }};
var tuitionChart = new Chart(tuitionCanvas, {
"labels":["Arizona State University", "Utah Tech University" ,"Northern Arizona University" ,"Southern Utah University" ,"University of Utah" ,"UNLV" ,"Utah State University" ,"Utah Valley University", "Weber State University"],
"backgroundColor": ["#e1e1e1", "#ba1c21", "#dedede", "#ccc", "#bebebe", "#aeaeae" ,"#929292" ,"#747474" ,"#474747"]
}]//end dataset
},//end data
"options": {
"responsive": true,
"maintainAspectRatio": false,
"legend": { "display": false },
"scales": {
"xAxes": [{
"ticks": {
"beginAtZero": true,
"callback" : function(value, index, values) {
'use strict';
return value.toLocaleString("en-US",{style:"currency", currency:"USD"}).slice(0, -3);
}],//end yAxis config
"yAxes": [{
"fontColor": '#747474',
}]//end xAxis config
},//end scales
},//end animation config
"titleFontFamily":"Arial, sans-serif",
"titleFontSize": 20,
"titleFontColor": '#fff',
"bodyFontFamily":"Arial, sans-serif",
"bodyFontSize": 16,
"bodyFontColor": '#fff',
"footerFontFamily":"Arial, sans-serif",
"footerFontColor": '#f1f1f1',
"footerFontSize": 14,
"callbacks": {
'use strict';
var title = data.labels[tooltip[0].index];
return title;
"label": function(tooltipItem, data) {
'use strict';
var title = data.labels[tooltipItem.index];
var value = data.datasets[0].data[tooltipItem.index];
var dollars = value.toLocaleString("en-US",{style:"currency", currency:"USD"}).slice(0, -3);
return dollars + " " + costNotes[tooltipItem.index];
// return "costs " + dollars + " " + costNotes[tooltipItem.index];
"footer": function(tooltip, data){
'use strict';
return notes[tooltip[0].index];
}//end callbacks
},//end tooltips,
"plugins": {
"deferred": {
"enabled": false,// enabled by default
"yOffset": '100%', // defer until 50% of the canvas height are inside the viewport
"delay": 5000 // delay of 500 ms after the canvas is considered inside the viewport
}//end deferred
}//end plugins
}//end options
});//end chart
var notes = ["$3,586 tuition & fees for AZ residents", "Costs are the same for residents & non-residents" ,"Costs are the same for residents & non-residents" ,"Costs are the same for residents & non-residents" ,"Costs are the same for residents & non-residents" ,"$1,575 tuition & fees for NV residents" ,"$2,292 tuition & fees / non-residents" ,"Costs are the same for residents & non-residents", "$2,036 tuition & fees / non-residents"];
var costNotes = ['tuition & fees', 'tuition, with general student fees waived', 'tuition & fees', 'tuition & fees', 'tuition & fees', 'tuition & fees', 'tuition & fees', 'tuition & fees', 'tuition & fees'];
//mobile tuition chart nav
'use strict';
$('#creditHours').change(function(){ launchStats(); });
$('#launchMobileTuition').click(function(){ launchStats(); });
$(document).on('click','#tuitionStats tr.open', function(){
$("#tuitionStats tr").removeClass('open');
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
if(!$(e.target).hasClass('open') && !$(e.target).is('input, select, option') ){
if ( $(e.target).closest("#tuitionStats tr").length === 0 ) {
$("#tuitionStats tr").removeClass('open');
function launchStats(){
var selectedCredit = $('#creditHours option:selected').val().replace('+','');
var selectedStats = $('#tuitionStats td:first-child' ).filter( function(index) {
return $(this).text() === selectedCredit;
if(selectedStats.length <= 0){
alert('Sorry, we couldn\'t load the information for that number of credit hours. Check our official tuition page at catalog.utahtech.edu/tuitionfees');
//var top = $(selectedStats).parent().scrollTop();